Do you feel connected to your Soul?

Do you desire to step into your True Essence?

Do you ever wonder who you were before the world programmed you to be who society wanted you to be?

That woman is still inside of you. Waiting to be uncovered.

Connection to Soul: A Return to Self is a group for women who are looking for the truth of who they are. Women who want more than anything to step into the beauty and power of Self. Women who are looking for truth and healing in a world that wants to silence them and force them to conform to the norms placed on them by a society that doesn’t see them or value them for the powerful creators and healers they are.


When is the last time you looked in the mirror and FELT something? 

What did you feel? 

Did you feel like you were seeing your true self?

“To begin to understand your Soul as an integral part of yourself and begin to connect with your Soul as a part of your full being and your true nature, is the beginning of wisdom and the portal to true joy.” 
~ Genevieve

Kathryn Tague created Connection to Soul: A Return to Self to help guide women back into alignment with their highest selves. To show them that, although not easy, the path to healing is more than attainable to anyone willing to do the work to look deep within themselves and find the pieces that were lost or buried along the way.

If you’re looking for a way to connect deeply to yourself, this group will help you do that.

It is time to stop letting the world tell you who you are and how you should be, and step into your life as the woman you were meant to be. 

Who in the hell is Kathryn and why should you learn from her?

Kathryn is a life and business coach. A healer, teacher, and a guide to women walking through their spiritual awakenings and ascension. She helps them to step fully into their personal power and sovereignty, while also showing them how to balance their lives and grow businesses along with children and relationships. She is a solo homeschooling mom to 4 girls, and a community builder in every sense of the word.

Kathryn has been a practicing witch for over a decade and is trained in multiple forms of divination, intuitive healing, energy work, and spellcraft.

She is also a writer, editor, publisher, founder & owner of Influence Digital Media, and co-founder of Spellbound Sisterhood.

What She Can Help You With:

Kathryn will teach you how to get out of your head and into your body, where your intuition lives.

♦She will guide the group through both shadow and light work, to help with the healing process and create a deep connection to self.

♥You will be given weekly journal prompts

♦Releasing rituals to aid in letting go of the past and to open you to receiving all of the abundance the Universe wants to bless you with.

♥Monthly rituals for intention setting, manifestation, and deep healing.

♦Group discussions covering a multitude of topics ranging from Inner Child Healing to stepping fully into your Divine Feminine Energy.

♥Online Facebook group that will contain valuable content, weekly video calls, and most importantly actionable steps you can take to reconnect to your highest self that will make an impact on your life.

What Do You Need To Do To Join?

This is not a magic pill and all the other disclosures that come along with you needing to DO THE WORK apply. I will give you the roadmap and the tools, it is up to you to use them.

Why would I pay you to join a group when I can find all this online?

That is a great question, the answer is simply because you haven’t yet. You are here still searching for answers. Kathryn has been 1:1 coaching women through this process for over 6 years now, and she knows what works, and what doesn’t. This is the first time she has offered her teachings in a group setting, having come to realize that the more women’s lives she can touch, the greater an impact she can have on the world.


How much is this going to cost me?

$97 a month with no contract. There is no pressure for you to stay if you don’t find what you’re searching for. The path to healing and soul connection is different for everyone, and if you find this group isn’t a good fit, you have no obligation to stay.

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